Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Journey

A little over a month ago, Emily and I set out on a journey to build a new home. We began researching options for builders, neighborhoods, etc. It is something we have discussed for awhile now, but have never really gotten serious about. After further discussion, we decided it would be worth our while to try and sell our current house by ourselves, and in the process, save a nice chunk of money. We started by posting the house for sale on craigslist. 

22 hours later, we had a contract on the house. I never even had a chance to buy a sign and stick it in the yard. Needless to say, the neighbors were quite perplexed 3 weeks later when a POD was delivered in front of the house and we began packing our things. I guess we had forgotten to tell them up to this point. 

In reality, this was all plan I hatched in order to coerce Emily to move into our lovely condo (a rental property we purchased early in the year - similar to a dorm room, but with a kitchen). The $500 I spent bribing the builder's sales agent to let us "pretend" to buy a house will surely prove to be money well spent in the long run. On the other hand, I am running out of stories to tell Emily when she frequently requests to drive out to "the lot" and see if they have started work on the house yet. 

OK, so I lied, we really are building a house. Emily, please point that gun away from me, please! 

This blog will serve as a place for us to chronicle the process of building our house, as well as any other updates that we think might be of interest to our friends and family. 

Check back soon (hopefully) for an update on the beginning of the construction process.  

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