Thursday, July 15, 2010

CAUTION: Wet Cement!

Yes, you read the title correctly. As of this afternoon, Casa de la Wanzor is officially "Under Construction". Em and I went out to the lot (I am going to have to come up with a new name now that it is officially more than just a lot) after work today and found that the footings had been poured sometime today. 

Trivia question for the day:

Q: How fast does concrete dry when its 143 degrees outside. 
A: Fast. 

From what we have been told, from this point to closing should be approximately 70 day, which would put us into our new house sometime around the end of September. We'll keep an eye on that target as we move along. 

Next steps: From here, the plumbing and electrical will be ran to the build site, the wood forms will be constructed and then the slab will be poured. 

Check out the pictures below for today's progress.

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