Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Beginning (almost)

Here is a picture of the lot where our house will eventually be built. I wish I had thought to stand next to the sign in a t-shirt that said, "I gave Simmons Homes a $2,500 deposit, and all I got was this t-shirt and a little 'sold' sign". But I didn't. Darn. 

Have another picture of the lot to share this evening. We don't have any construction yet, but what we do have is a flat spot in the dirt where it is conceivable that a house could be constructed. I guess you have to start somewhere. 

Notice Emily's shadow in the picture. For some reason she found it necessary to stand in the back of the truck to take this picture. You can thank her for the wonderful angle from which this picture was taken! 

Another thing happened this evening that warranted a photo, but alas, it happened after we had already put the camera away. So imagine with me if you will...a few blocks over, there is another house under construction. Due to the recent rains, there is a nice size puddle in the yard - and due to the nice red dirt in that yard, it is hard to tell how deep the puddle is. No problem - enter Daisy, the (recently) fearless swimmer. Let's just say it was deeper than she had expected. And Emily got to cap her evening off by giving Daisy a sponge bath. I am sure Daisy was wondering to herself, "who, exactly, is the owner of who in this scenario?" 

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